I.MA.TEC. produces aluminum honeycomb in alloys 3003 – 5052 – 5056 and Nomex® honeycomb (aero & industrial grade). Thickness is required by customer, we slice second your need. Minimum thickness 1,5mm. Tolerance on thickness till 0,05mm.
We produce sandwich panels by using honeycombs and metal or glass and carbon fibers.
Customers have also the size’s choice.
We have a cold warehouse (-18°c) for adhesives and pre-preg (industrials and aeronautics).
Special process
Sofisticated works on metal honeycombs and Nomex® or products with special size. We do our best to offer a solution to our customers:
– Threading components and products
– On demand design panels
– Special cuts on request
Hundreds cuts
I.MA.TEC. offers a guarantee of honeycomb size (in metal and Nomex®) of +/-0,05 mm tolerance and 0,05 absolute in some cases.
A scrupulous control is made on six points of each cut piece.
We are able to notched honeycomb to put in communication all cells and to permit the passage of air or fluid in all panel.
Special panels
Dimension and thickness according customer choice. Form creation according specific honeycomb design.
Inclined cuts
Produces differing degrees of perpendicularity between the various surfaces of the panel.
We can produce maxi expansion with a 500mm thickness and panels with a 15 meters length.