The Gazechim group wishes you a Happy holiday season.

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Best wishes from Gazechim Group & I.Ma.Tec !
AIX Hamburg 31-2 April 2020, Hamburg.
Aircraft Interiors Expo is the world’s leading event for airlines and the supply chain to source the latest innovations, technologies and products for the cabin interiors, inflight entertainment and passenger comfort industries.
Meet Gazechim Composites : Hexcut Services, Composites Distribution & Imatec from 31st of March to 2nd of April 2020 !
JEC WORLD 3-5 March 2020, Villepinte.
From March 3 to 5, 2020 will be held the JEC World 2019 in Paris Nord Villepinte.
As a global exhibition dedicated to composites, the JEC is an institution to which the Gazechim Composites Group participates each year. From raw materials to processors and end-users, JEC World attracts nearly 40,000 professionals looking for innovation, new partners and insights into the future of their industry.
Find all Gazechim Composites Group subsidiaries from March 3 to 5, 2020, Hall 5, Booth # J27
BtoB meetings for composite materials
2 days dedicated to pre-registered professionals!
Composites Meetings will take place on November 13 and 14, 2019!
EMC2 and abe-advanced business events are organizing the 7th edition of Composites Meetings. This BtoB event will bring together users of composite materials and suppliers of parts and capabilities.
Participating subsidiaries : Imatec, Composites Distribution, Hexcut Services
Since few years, Groupe Gazechim Composites participates to JEC WORLD Exhibition in Paris.
During 3 days, european subsidiaries of Groupe Gazechim Composites were on the booth to discuss, exchange & meet their customers, suppliers & partners.
We wished to share with you the video of JEC WORLD 2019. Click below to discover the video:
Aircraft Interiors Expo is the global must attend event to see the latest ideas and innovations in aircraft interiors. Staged annually the show launched in 2000 in Cannes and has evolved throughout the years, moving to Hamburg in 2002.
This year again, the show expects more than 18,000 visitors over 3 days.
Imatec & Composites Distribution will be on booth 2UB75 - Hall B2, from April 2 to 4 in Hamburg.
From 6 to 8 March 2018 we participated in JEC World in Paris Villepinte. During 3 days teams of Groupe Gazechim Composites were attending on booth J27 - Hall 5A to meet & exchange with different market actors.
An opportunity to be visible on European markets with our main suppliers as Hexcel, Owens Corning & Chomarat.
We invite you to join us next year for a new edition!
From 28-30 November 2017, Imatec was at Aerospace & Defense Meetings Torino with Composites Distribution.
It was an ideal opportunity to build up targeted business relations and develop new projects with companies from all over the world.
IMATEC has passed the audits second new rules for EN 9100 : 2016 , EN 9120 : 2016 & ISO 9001 : 2015.
Aerospace & Defense Meetings is the only international business convention for the aerospace and defense industry organized in Italy, tailored to your needs. In 2 days, all participating companies have the chance of meeting and build up targeted business relations and develop new projects with companiess from all over the world.
I.MA.TEC will attend the event from 29th to 30th of November 2017.
JEC World 2017 invites you to join the largest composites show in the world that covers the whole composites value chain from raw material to processors and final products.
End-users are definitely the focus of interest. The Innovation Planets will illustrate 4 major applicative markets: Aerospace, Construction & Building, Automotive & Land Transportation and Better Living including energy, sustainability, sports and leisure, medical, consumer goods.
I.MA.TEC era esibitore al JEC 8-9-10 marzo 2016, Pariggi, Francia
JEC è il salone professionale europeo leader sul mercato dei compositi. Più di 35 000 professionisti del settore proveniente da 100 paesi erano presenti.
JEC fa la promozione dell’industria del composito, proponendo una rete di participanti locali e mondiali.
Tutti collegamenti sono rappresentati : materie prime, lavorazione, distribuzione, processo produttivo, et cliente finale.
Imatec wins the 2014 Award as "Best Hexcel's Distributor"
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